Bridgeway Inc.

Bridgeway Inc.


non-profit organizationscleaning, janitorial servicesdisabled persons servicesjanitorial serviceslandscape servicesmanufacturingsocial serviceswarehouse

About Us

Every day at Bridgeway, our focus is the ongoing effort to enhance the lives of the consumers we serve. One part of that mission is to empower people with disabilities through the creation of meaningful employment.

We believe all people, regardless of their disability, have the right to enjoy the same full range of life experiences others in the community enjoy, and each person who desires to live, learn and work in their community can do so and be successful. Both the individual and society as a whole benefit from this engagement and inclusion. Our Disability Services focus on the primary life areas of living, learning and working and we provide a full range of services to this end.

Providing and promoting work opportunities for persons with disabilities is perhaps the most important rehabilitation service Bridgeway provides. Work helps people with disabilities achieve independence and economic self-sufficiency, and gives individuals purpose, dignity, self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment and pride. The impact on overall well-being is immeasurable.

Bridgeway serves hundreds of persons with disabilities each year, and successfully supports them to find and maintain competitive jobs within the community at businesses just like yours. In order to enable such individuals to work and receive the benefits of working, Bridgeway contracts with local businesses to help provide these opportunities.

Bridgeway is a nationally-accredited leader in the development of affirmative businesses created with the primary mission of employing people with disabilities, and we are also highly recognized in the state as a leader in vocational rehabilitation. Affirmative businesses are vital in supporting the thousands of people we serve each year.